The Secret to Surviving Today’s Cyber Threats

Layers are the key to survival. Even in Texas, we can learn something from Alaskans. 


It’s the middle of February and it’s -20F. The wind races across the ice-crusted Bearing Sea and strikes at the hearts of the residents of Nome. But the Alaskans take that daily punishment as if it’s a bright Spring Day. They know the secret. 


Surviving isn’t about having a single thick coat. No, it’s about having multiple layers of protection. When that stiff Bearing breeze cuts through one layer, another layer stands ready to protect. 


Antivirus alone is like having a single thick coat that you hope protects your most important assets. But it won’t. 


You need multiple layers of protection to fend off the icy attacks of cyber scammers. They’ll cut through a single level of protection like a bear claw slices a salmon swimming for its life.  


We’ve created this guide so you can visualize what multi-layer protection looks like. 


Download this guide and put the hope of Spring back in your life with the confidence that comes from layers. 

Can You Survive?

Download this guide so you can visualize what multi-layer protection looks like.